Kabell Konsulting ApS



Kabell Konsulting is a results oriented company with a strong commitment to development.


An international network of skilled professionals and partners with backgrounds in economics or the social sciences and experience with organizational development, result based management and evaluation, is one of the key assets.  What binds us together is our commitment to high levels of performance and an approach to each task that is focused on innovation and capacity development.   What makes our teams of special value is the deep cultural understanding that comes from the many years of international work in teams and in leadership positions that each member will usually have.


Highly specialized Kabell Konsulting is a niche company with a mission. We help develop organizations through strategic attention to results. We help improving principles, processes, systems and techniques for results- and performance management. We prepare the groundwork and facilitate the necessary stakeholder dialogues for organizational change at the strategic level. Recognizing the rapid development of our discipline, we aim to be in the vanguard of our specialization and are active participants in a range of different international networks and communities of practice in organizational development and managing for development results.


Capacity building, innovation and continuous learning are fundamental aspects of the way we work. We aim not only to provide an analysis or an evaluation or solve a problem, and leave a report. In every assignment we try to generate insights and to strengthen the capacity of our clients by sharing knowledge and "good practices"; that is indeed one of our "comparative advantages". 


Stakeholder management is essential in all change processes and management is about change. We have developed a strong competence in managing complex processes and the cultural sensitivity that is fundamental to our company is a key element our success in this area.


The company is owned and managed by Dorte Kabell. It is network-based and core partners and associate consultants all share the values and meet the high performance standards of Kabell Konsulting. This gives the company a considerable degree of flexibility, and the ability to respond at short notice and in a seamless manner to complex and demanding assignments, covering a range of different competencies and skills.      



Cand. Polit. (M.SC.) Dorte Kabell



Dorte Kabell is a graduate of the University of Copenhagen with a M.Sc. in Economics and Public Sector Management. After completing her degree, with a specialization in development economics, Dorte Kabell has worked for over 20 years in the field of multilateral development assistance. Her experience spans major international organisations including the United Nations, the OECD and International Financial Institutions such as the Asian Development Bank and the African Development Bank, where she was a senior advisor to the President. Immediately prior to establishing Kabell Konsulting, she spent several years in Danida where she developed the multilateral performance management framework.


Through her long multilateral career, Dorte Kabell brings to each assignment a solid organizational understanding and knowledge about development issues and about challenges and opportunities facing the development partners; she has a personal experience and deep understanding of why it is imperative to make decisions based on facts and knowledge and not on anecdotes and pure instinct. And she has developed her cultural intelligence over the years to compliment her strong analytical skills and strategic sense.


A commitment to evidence based decision making, and to development   cooperation has led Dorte to take a keen interest in the principles, practices and techniques of performance management and how to ensure that performance and results underpin organizations' strategic choices.  


Dorte Kabell founded Kabell Konsulting in 2003 and now shares her time between managing Kabell Konsulting, solving specific assignments and participating in the global network of development and evaluation practitioners who all strive to improve the way we "manage for development results".



Web-master: Louisa Wibroe




Kabell Konsulting ApS • Copenhagen • Denmark